OCTOBER 30, 2007
PRESENT Chair Richard F. Kehoe, Vice Chair William P. Horan, Jr., Majority Leader Mary Alice Dwyer-Hughes, Minority Leader Donald H. Pitkin, Councillors Marcia A. Leclerc, Marc I. Weinberg, Jason Rojas (arrived 7:11 p.m.), Patricia Harmon and Eric A. Thompson
Chair Kehoe called the public hearing to order at 7:06 p.m.
The Chair gave a brief overview of the proposed wireless video camera system as presented by the East Hartford Police Department to the Town Council at the October 16, 2007 Town Council meeting and explained that the Town Council wanted to provide the citizens of the town with an opportunity to express their views on the proposed system.
The following citizens came forth:
Debra Gaudette, 22 Higbie Drive, is concerned about the initial cost of obtaining the system as well as the yearly maintenance cost.
Paul Roczynski, 244 Handel Road, quoted from newspaper articles that suggested the wireless camera system is not a deterrent to crime. Additionally, Mr. Roczynski would like the Council to proceed slowly and address the privacy issues and cost issues associated with this system.
Susan Pagano Skowronek, 84 Syracuse Drive, is concerned about the cost of the wireless video camera system and would rather see money spent on employing additional police officers. Also, Ms. Skowronek would like to have more information available to the public before the Council makes a decision on purchasing this system.
Susan Kniep, 50 Olde Roberts Street, asked that the Council should move cautiously before obtaining the wireless video camera system and would like to see policies and procedures in place to avoid abuse of the camera system.
Vincent Mancini, 17 Kennedy Road, is not in favor of the wireless video camera system and strongly urged the Council not to obtain the system.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m.
Angela M. Attenello
Town Council Clerk